
Low carbon emissions steel: EMW and ArcelorMittal cooperate

Gruppenfoto mit Personen von Arcelor Mittal und der EMWEMW and ArcelorMittal agree on cooperation to supply CO2-reduced steel. From left to right:Holger Latsch (Purchasing Manager EMW Stahl Service GmbH), Rainer Böse (CMO Industry North, ArcelorMittal Europe - Flat Products), Beate Schäfer-Henrichs (Shareholder SCHÄFER WERKE), Jutta Schäfer-Hillenberg (Shareholder SCHÄFER WERKE), Michael Mockenhaupt (Managing Director EMW Stahl Service GmbH), Markus Jansen (Senior Key Account Manager, ArcelorMittal Commercial Germany)

Neunkirchen, 5th January 2023. EMW Stahl Service GmbH and ArcelorMittal are goinghand in hand on the road to decarbonization. The world's leading steel manufacturerwill supply the steel service centre from Neunkirchen in the Siegerland region with lowCO2 emissions steel as well as certificates for CO2 savings starting this year. EMWaims to be climate-neutral by 2030 for scope 1 and 2. In Europe, ArcelorMittal aims toreduce CO2 emissions by 35 percent by 2030, and globally the group wants to achievenet zero by 2050.

As part of their climate strategies, the two companies are expanding their partnership in2023. EMW will receive XCarb® steel with a low carbon content from ArcelorMittalCommercial Germany. The XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steels are producedon the basis of scrap (70 percent) and renewable electricity (100 percent). The reducedcarbon footprint is confirmed with an official Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). CO2emissions per ton of steel product are with 797 kg now only around a third compared with thesame steel product produced conventionally in a blast furnace (2,57 t CO2).

ArcelorMittal is offering EMW the XCarb® steel in the required quantities and is alsoproviding the technical support. EMW, in turn, will pass on the steel with production-relatedCO2 savings to its customers and end consumers.

"Our own ambitious goal is climate neutrality by 2030, and we have already launchednumerous projects and activities in our organisation to achieve this. Equally important in thiscontext, however, are the agreements with our long-standing partners such as ArcelorMittalon the purchase of low-CO2 steels in order to be able to cover the entire scope," says EMWManaging Director Michael Mockenhaupt.

In addition to physically supplied steel, EMW will continue to purchase steel with XCarb®Green Steel certificates from ArcelorMittal, thus verifiably documenting CO2 reductions. The CO2 reduction in these certificates amounts to 2.11 ton CO2 per ton steel and originates frombreakthrough projects at blast furnaces. The CO2 savings are mass balanced on a centralaccount and independently verified.

"We are pleased about the agreement with EMW and generally see an increased interestfrom our customers for climate-friendly products. Thanks to the XCarb® Green Steelcertificates, customers who purchase our certificates can directly incorporate the CO2savings into their Scope 3 and thus also achieve their sustainability goals," explains JochenGrünewald, Managing Director of ArcelorMittal Commercial Germany.

EMW is a steel service centre within the globally operating Schaefer Group and suppliescoils, slit strip, blanks and circular blanks to the steel processing industry. The Siegerland-based company already provides an extensive range of CO2-reduced steels. For itscustomers in the processing industry, EMW purchases, among other products, Magnelis®flat steels from ArcelorMittal, which are particularly resistant to corrosion and versatile whencoated on both sides.

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Christina Fuss

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Holger Latsch

+49 2735 787-470